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Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter
Model 3/Y/S/X TPARTS Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter

Tesla Model 3/Y/S/X Mini USB Port Fast Charging Power Adapter

$11.99 USD
$0.00 USD
在庫 -3 個
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Secure Payments

Compatible Models:  Tesla Model 3, Model Y, Model S, Model X

  • Supports USB-C PD 3.0 and USB-A QC 3.0 ports, up to 100W powerful charging for laptop
  • Intelligently identifies your device to safe charging of Dual devices at full speed simultaneously 
  • Perfect fits in the auto vehicle armrest USB charger spot socket. 
  • Mini space saving design for the storage box. 


  • 1x Mini USB adapter