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상관 화폐를 찾지 못했습니다


Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub
Model 3/Y Center Console Hub

Tesla Model 3/Y Center Console Hub

$32.99 USD
$0.00 USD
Yellow Cream
-12개 재고 남음
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Secure Payments

Versatile 4-in-1 Expansion Ports

Enjoy multiple functions with ease – charge your mobile device, game controller, U disk, music drive, and dashcam, all at once. The expansion ports include 1x USB-C, 3x USB-A ports.


Perfectly matches the central control.

The surface curvature matches the central control slider, featuring a harmonious matte gray texture that blends in seamlessly with the original design.

Fast Charging Made Faster

Supercharge your devices with our HUB's multiple fast-charging protocols. While the original car has a single TYPE-C port and protocol, the HUB's floating flash charging A port supports devices that use VOOC/AFC/QC protocols, taking charging speeds to the next level.

Seamless integration with original car lighting.

The integrated micro switch sensor activates the light when the storage cover is opened and turns it off when closed. Complementary to the original car lighting, the natural white light tone matches the lighting in the storage tank. With an ultra-narrow body design, it perfectly fulfills the lighting needs of the slot.

Charging from Both Sides, Cable Management Made Easy

Keep your central control cable organized with our HUB's built-in cable manager, complete with a round hole and flat port. The HUB also features a unique design that doesn't interfere with the use of the original car's C port, allowing you to plug and unplug from both sides with ease.


Illuminate Your Central Control Storage with the Integrated Searchlight

Say goodbye to fumbling in the dark for items in your central control storage. Our integrated searchlight provides ample light to illuminate the entire box. The natural white light tone creates a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere in your car, making every drive a comfortable and enjoyable experience.


Product specs

Product name

2023-2021 Model 3/Y Center Console Hub

Ports 1x USB-C, 3x USB-A
Color Matte gray (original center console color)